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One Nuqta



"Qaf" is an elegant composition in "Thuluth" script with deep meanings.


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قٓۚ وَٱلۡقُرۡءَانِ ٱلۡمَجِيدِ

Qaf. By the honored Qur’an (50:1)

Ramadan is the month in which the Holy Quran was revealed, a clear guidance for the people. 

In this artwork Shahryanshah Hoca has captivated the essence of deep relationship of human and Quran. The letter ‘و’ represents human and the letter ‘ق’ represents Quran, in terms of calligraphy their anatomy is intertwined and in terms of our lives, humans and Quran need to be inseparable. 

Quran, divine speech of Allah SWT is our best companion in this life and whoever spends time reciting, memorising and reflecting upon the holy verses will have distinguished honour on the Day of Judgement, a crown. The shape of letter ج in this artwork represents ‘the crown’ as this shape is referred to as تاج الحروف in Thuluth Script.

اللهم اجعل القران العظيم ربيع قلوبنا ونور صدورنا وجلاء أحزاننا وذهاب همومنا وغمومنا وسابقنا ودليلنا إليك وإلى جناتك جنات النعيم، آمين 

O Allah, make the Great Qur’an the spring of our hearts, the light of our chests, the remover of our sorrows, the remover of our worries and anxieties, our forerunner, and our guide to you and to your gardens, the gardens of bliss, Aameen.

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