Our Story

The concept of One Nuqta is distinctive due to its collaborative nature between Shahryanshah Hoca, Fatma Hoca and their students. The teachers involve students in new ventures and encourage everyone on this sacred journey to contribute towards the ultimate goal of preserving the tradition. It is a strong community of students and their masters.

The aim of One Nuqta is to provide a platform where history of Islamic arts of calligraphy and illumination, methods of learning, chance to attend taster workshops and create artwork come together. It is a knowledge bank.

Traditional Islamic arts serve as cohesive force among ethnically and culturally diverse people due to their basic identifying and unifying characteristics. The style and theme of traditional Islamic arts emanate from the Qur’anic revelation and the teachings of our beloved prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him). Islamic arts instil a deep sense of internal creative purpose because the ultimate aim of artists practicing this art is to beautify the Divine speech. They become united in their quest to seek pleasure of Allah SWT. One Nuqta aims to be a platform that serves and brings together everyone attracted to this sacred art under the umbrella of love, compassion and unity.

Our Masters are passionate about preserving the methods and materials of the tradition while using modern techniques to train the students. Their work is firmly rooted in the classical tradition of Islamic art.